How to save up for a big trip

How to save up for a big trip

Ever since we’ve announced we’re going on a trip around the world, a lot of people have been wondering how we managed to save up for it. It is quite daunting to quit your job and go traveling for a year without any means of income. It’s probably the main reason why people don’t go traveling long term. So, in case you’re wondering how to save up for a big trip, we’re more than glad to share our tips and tricks. 

Since going on a RTW trip had been part of my “life plan”, I have been saving up for it since I started working 3.5 years ago. This, of course, gave me quite a big head start on Simen who only started saving about a year ago. Even though we both have different approaches when it comes to saving, we would like to share a couple of our tips with you on how to save up for a big trip:

How to save up for a big trip

Order groceries online

We’ve been ordering food online for about a year now, and it has really helped us save up a bit extra. When you go to the supermarket, you can easily get distracted and buy things you don’t really need.

I just make a list of everything I want to buy, I schedule all the meals we’re going to eat throughout the week and buy all the ingredients online. This makes it easier to keep an overview and to not give into temptations. When doing your grocery shopping online you can’t be tempted by chocolate, crisps or other things that can rack up the bill.

Moreover, the supermarket delivers the food right at our doorstep so we don’t lose any time either. It’s a win-win!

Save up for a big trip

Do freelance work

This one has been a real life saver for Simen. Once he realized he was a bit off track with his savings, he decided to do some freelance on the side. This has given him the opportunity to make more money which meant he will now be reaching his savings target after all!

It’s quite easy to find work online, especially if you’re a Norwegian with a knack for writing (like Simen). However, even if you’re not Norwegian, you can still find quite a lot of sites where you can apply for all kinds of copywriting and translations jobs such as fiverr, textbroker, Absolute Translations, All-In Translations and many, many more.

Another interesting site for freelance work is Airtasker. This is a community where people or companies can outsource tasks. These tasks vary from simple to complicated, such as handyman jobs, photography or graphic design. This way you could make some extra cash which comes in handy to save up for your big trip! 

Save up for a big trip

Eat out less or get a discount card

Saving up for a big trip requires some sacrifices. Everyone loves to go out for dinner from time to time. However, if you want to meet that savings target, you might have to cut down on the dinners. Making home cooked meals saves you a lot of money which can go straight to your savings account.

If you’re struggling giving up eating out, getting a discount card is always very handy. My best friends in Malta gave me one for my birthday. This card doesn’t only give you discounts on sightseeing and activities, but also on restaurants. Sometimes these discounts go up to 50% of the whole bill! So it’s definitely worth looking into if you’re a big fan of going out for dinner.

Save up for a big trip

Have more date nights at home

Of course it’s nice to go for dinner and a movie with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Who doesn’t love a nice date night from time to time? However, these kind of nights can really rack up the expenses and jeopardize your savings. Since we decided to go on a trip around the world together, we’ve been having more date nights at home. A nice movie, a homemade meal and some popcorn, what more do you need?

Same goes for hanging out with your friends. Instead of spending tons of money in your favorite bar, you can buy cheaper beers in the supermarket and all hang out together at your flat. You’ll still have a good time and you’ll be spending less money than you normally would!

Save up for a big trip

Be realistic

All these tips don’t mean you have to lock yourself up for months on end and become a hermit. Not going out at all isn’t really sustainable. Even though we’ve both been saving a lot for the trip, we still do go for dinner from time to time or meet up with our friends at the pub. Moderation is key here.

Also, set realistic goals for yourself. Give yourself enough time to actually save up for the trip you really want to do. It’s not nice to have to give up on things you really want to do just because you didn’t take enough time to actually save up for the trip. I know it’s easy to get ahead of yourself (I’m very good at that, ask Simen). But it’s very important to be realistic in this case. Plan enough time to reach your goals!